Social network

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Social network

We offer professional fanpage in social media. An account on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram is an inexpensive and very effective form of company and brand promotion. Handling and running a fanpage helps you achieve your goals related to online marketing.

The social media service provided in the SEO campaign contains a number of elements, the most important of which are:
Creating a fanpage
• The first and basic task implemented at the beginning of cooperation. We will design or refresh the company profile to make it look professional and current.
Unique graphic designs
• Our graphic department will ensure that every new post is attractive and transparent. The addition of illustrations helps in reaching a wider audience.
Publication of posts
• Posts are published systematically at regular intervals to ensure better contact with clients and help to achieve goals related to internet marketing.

social media
Socail Media

Support for paid campaigns
• Facebook provides an extensive module that allows the implementation of paid advertising campaigns, the purpose of which is to reach a larger audience.
Support for Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Google+
• Social Media is not just FB. In order to fully use the potential, we expand the service with additional platforms thanks to which we will promote the brand even better.
Advanced advertising campaigns
• It is possible to use many types of campaigns aimed at selling or promoting the brand, including product campaigns, remarketing.

5000 +

Project completed

250 +

Happy clients

10 +

Our staffs

12 +

Hours every day